Full Tort vs Limited Tort
What Pennsylvania Drivers Need to Know
Pennsylvania drivers have choices when it comes to car insurance. Drivers may choose to purchase full tort insurance which may provide them with a financial recovery for all damages from a car accident, including pain and suffering. In the alternative, Pa. drivers may decide to purchase limited tort coverage, which only allows for the recovery of pain and suffering damages in certain situations.
Here’s the catch. Full tort coverage is more expensive than limited tort coverage. You have to make the decision whether to choose full tort or limited tort insurance when you purchase your car insurance policy. In other words, you have to make this decision before you are involved in a car accident.
Insurance agents often try to sell full tort coverage because it carries a higher premium and the insurance companies give them all kinds of incentive to sell limited tort. Insurance adjusters, try to convince you that because you selected limited tort,you aren’t entitled to a financial recovery after your accident, in order to prevent you from trying to recover certain damages. This is when you need to call Ostroff Injury Law, because we’ll tell you what you are really entitled to.
In order to protect your rights, here is what you should do. Call an experienced PA limited tort lawyer as soon as you hear “limited tort” uttered by an adjuster.
Jon Ostroff is a Pennsylvania limited tort lawyer who will do a couple of things to help you if limited tort is a factor in your accident recovery. First, your attorney will carefully examine your insurance policy to determine what kind of coverage you have. Just because an adjuster told you have limited tort, doesn’t make it so. Second, Jon will determine if you qualify for any limited tort exceptions. If you do then you may be able to recover additional damages, including pain and suffering.
The insurance decision you made prior to your accident may not prevent you from a getting a full recovery after your auto accident. Call a Pennsylvania limited tort lawyer today for more information.