Is Your Injury Serious Enough to Qualify for a Pennsylvania Limited Tort Exception?

As you struggle with the physical pain and practical problems of being injured in a Pennsylvania car accident, you may be alarmed to find out that you have limited tort insurance. The insurance adjuster who contacts you may explain that you are only entitled to damages for non-economic damages such as pain and suffering if you have suffered a serious injury. Technically, this is true.

However, what the insurance adjuster is unlikely to tell you is that the Pennsylvania courts haven’t always agreed on what the phrase “serious injury” means. Instead, the insurance adjuster may try to convince you that only the most serious injuries entitle you to compensation.Read More

Will an Insurance Company Provide a Fair Settlement if I Have Limited Tort Coverage?

You understood what you were getting into when you purchased limited tort car insurance. You knew that your claims for pain and suffering may be denied unless you qualified for a limited tort exception. However, you also expected that your claims for medical expenses, lost income and other economic losses would be covered if you were hurt in an accident. That was the contract you entered when you signed the papers for limited tort coverage.

Now that you have been in an accident, however, the insurance company does not seem to want to honor that contract. They are pushing you to settle for less than your case is worth.Read More

Quick Course in Pennsylvania Limited Tort

The insurance adjuster, and perhaps another lawyer with whom you spoke, have scared you. They have made you believe that you will be unable to recover damages for the significant pain and suffering you are experiencing simply because you chose to purchase limited tort insurance.Read More

Why Limited Tort Does not Have to Mean Limited Recovery

We don’t deny it.  In many cases, Pennsylvania car accident victims have to fight harder and more aggressively for limited tort settlements than they do for full tort settlements.  Insurance companies often want to use limited tort as an excuse to deny fair and just settlements.  They expect that accident victims, and many of their attorneys, will accept that limited tort means limited payment.

We don’t accept that.  We believe that you deserve the help of a limited tort lawyer who will zealously advocate for your full and complete recovery as permitted by Pennsylvania law. Read More

What PA Motorcyclists Should Know About Limited Tort in Pennsylvania

Riding a motorcycle is risky. If you are involved in an accident then you may sustain serious injuries because you lack the protective metal, airbags and other safety features that are common in passenger cars.

However, there is one risk that you may not have to take and that is the risk of getting a limited recovery due to limited tort insurance. Read More

5 Ways to Recover Full Tort Damages With Limited Tort Insurance if You’ve Suffered a Herniated Disk

A herniated disk may not be the most critical injury, but it hurts. It may require medical treatment and it may keep you out of work. You may be incurring significant damages and suffering emotionally and physically.

Accordingly, it is important to know that, in some cases, you may be able to recover damages. Read More

What to Do When an Accident Lawyer Tells You No

Limited tort accidents are unlike other types of car accident cases in Pennsylvania. Not every attorney is experienced with limited tort law, nor is every attorney willing to fight for a fair and just limited tort settlement. If you have spoken with, or hired, an attorney who has told you that filing a limited tort case is just not worth your time then it is important to get a second opinion from an experienced limited tort lawyer. It is important to talk to someone who is not afraid to fight the insurance company and whose primary concern is your recovery.Read More

What PA’s No Fault Insurance Law Means for Accident Victims

Pennsylvania insurance law is a little different than it is in many other states and it is important to understand that difference if you have been in a Pennsylvania car accident.

Pennsylvania’s no fault insurance policy provides that a victim’s own insurance company must pay his or her medical bills regardless of who was at fault for the accident.  In other words, even if someone else caused your injuries, your own insurance company is responsible for paying your medical expenses pursuant to the terms of your insurance policy.Read More

Do Not Wait Too Long to File a PA Limited Tort Case

You, understandably, have a lot on your mind after your Pennsylvania car accident. You may need immediate medical attention, you may need to find transportation, and you may need to make arrangements to cover an absence at work. You may not be immediately thinking about filing a limited tort lawsuit – and that is okay.

The law understands that the days after your accident are going to be frenzied and hectic. You do not have to file a Pennsylvania car accident case right away. However, it is important to know that the law does limit how long you have to file a claim.Read More

Call a Limited Tort Lawyer Who Will Work Hard to Get You a Fair Recovery Quickly

bus_217879762You’ve been hurt in an accident. You need your medical bills paid and you need your expenses covered. You need to be able to plan for your financial future with reasonable certainty. As you pursue a Pennsylvania limited tort claim and fight for your fair and just damages you will likely want to know how long it is going to take to get those damages.Read More